Patently-O Bits and Bytes No. 84

  • USPTO News: Although the move has been in the works for some time, Raymond Chen is now Solicitor of the USPTO and Deputy General Counsel for Intellectual Property Law. Chen’s JD is from NYU. He also has a BS in electrical engineering from the UCLA. Prior to joining the solicitor’s office, Chen was a technical assistant at the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Chen’s parents were both engineers as well.
  • Voting: Patently-O is in second place in the ABA Blog championship. Vote for Patently-O here.
  • Suing the Software Giants: In 1998 three central-Indiana inventors filed for patent protection iconic software. The claims – finally issued in 2008 – cover a method of using icons that look like the content of the files they represent. The first named inventor – Greg Swartz – moved to Arizona and has recently filed an infringement complaint in that state. Defendants include Google (Chrome Browser), Microsoft (Vista), and Apple (iPhone). (U.S. Patent No. 7,346,850; ArsTechnica). The Niro firm is representing the patent holder – Cygnus Systems. An additional continuation is pending. The complaint can be found through Stanford’s LexMachina Database.